
Microstrategy (MSTR) has “outperformed every asset class and big tech stock” since the company adopted a bitcoin strategy and started accumulating the cryptocurrency in its corporate treasury, says CEO Michael Saylor. The pro-bitcoin executive will be stepping down as the CEO of Microstrategy and take the role of the company’s executive chairman to focus on
On Wednesday, Galoy, the firm behind El Salvador’s Bitcoin Beach Wallet, announced that the company raised $4 million in funding in an investment round led by Hivemind Ventures. On the same day, the startup launched a new product called Stablesats, a stablecoin concept that leverages derivatives contracts to create a bitcoin-backed synthetic dollar pegged to
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is gearing up to implement stricter oversight in regards to crypto-related transactions. The agency is now looking to hire suppliers of trading data, as monitoring major participants in the market falls under its responsibilities. ESMA Launches Public Procurement for Providers of Crypto Trading Data The securities watchdog of
The Solana smart contract project is suffering from issues once again after it was discovered that close to 8,000 Solana-based wallets have been compromised. Solana is asking victimized wallet owners to complete a survey and the team stressed that “engineers are investigating the root cause.” Solana Investigates Massive Wallet Exploit, Root Cause of the Hack
South Korea’s tax administration has pledged to take strict measures against tax evasion through virtual assets and platforms. While the Korean government is yet to start taxing capital gains resulting from crypto investment and trading, authorities in Seoul claim cryptocurrencies have been actively used for money laundering. Korean Citizens Accused of Investing in Crypto Assets
A South African professor, Steven Boykey Sidley, has branded as “balderdash” claims by the South African central bank deputy governor that “90% of cryptocurrency transactions” are illicit. The professor also accused the senior central bank official of spreading inaccurate information that “does immeasurable damage to an important new industry.” Only 0.15% of Crypto Transactions Are
The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) has fined Robinhood Crypto $30 million for “significant failures in the areas of bank secrecy act/anti-money laundering (‘BSA/AML’) obligations and cybersecurity.” Robinhood Crypto Settles With the DFS The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) announced Tuesday that Robinhood Crypto LLC (RHC) will pay a
Smaller Bitcoin (BTC) investors have found a unique opportunity during the crypto slump to snap up their favorite cryptocurrency. The number of “wholecoiners” has surged by 40,000 since the June slump alone.  According to LookIntoBitcoin, the number of BTC “wholecoiners” has been steadily increasing since January 31, when the BTC price was around $38,000. However,
Binance’s U.S. platform is delisting crypto token amp after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) declared it a security. Another crypto exchange, Coinbase, disagreed with the regulator, arguing that the token is not a security. Binance Delists AMP ‘out of an Abundance of Caution’ Binance’s U.S. exchange (Binance US) is taking action to ensure that
Bitcoin (BTC) has been trending up since mid-July, although the current ascending channel formation holds $21,100 support. This pattern has been holding for 45 days and could potentially drive BTC towards $26,000 by late August. According to Bitcoin derivatives data, investors are pricing higher odds of a downturn, but recent improvements in global economic perspective