
Municipal bond insurance grew 10.4% year-over-year in 2023 leading to the highest market penetration rate since 2008, despite a drop in overall bond volume. While municipal issuance ended 2023 slightly down, demand for bond insurance continued to grow as market participants turned to it for investor confidence, increased market liquidity and enhanced credit ratings. The
Movement in both chambers of Congress may turn into meaningful tax legislation that would affect the municipal bond market, raising hope among market advocates. The House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee are reported to be tinkering with a $70 billion combo deal that would sunset the Employee Retention Credit early which
The complex relationship between municipal bond issuance and natural disasters is inspiring political debate and conflicting viewpoints with some experts predicting a tidal surge of issuance.  “With or without Congressional intervention, state and local governments are likely to expand medium and long-term borrowing programs to address climate change mitigation and adaptation,” said Tom Doe, president,